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ISBN: 978-1-7363687-1-8

Library of Congress Control Number: 2021952242

In a future where time travel might be the only explanation for mysterious events, Claire Elsworth embarks on a relentless quest to find her missing family, navigating the murky waters of corporate conspiracies and ancient secrets. Guided by cryptic clues and aided by a brilliant but disheveled geek, she uncovers a web of secrets that stretches back millennia. As Claire delves deeper into her ancestors' history, she must confront the possibility that her destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of time itself.

With each revelation, the stakes grow higher, and the line between past and present blurs. Claire couldn't have known the time loop began generations before. What was Claire’s tie to an anthropologist, a geneticist, an astrophysicist, and a slobbering bulldog who searched for clues among skeletons and DNA? Evidence of people who were living outside of their own birth-timelines. Impossible genetic links of yet-unborn descendants becoming their own ancestors.

Who were all the puppets? Was it a Mobius Strip of life and death, free will, fate, and predestination? "All You Puppets" is a gripping tale of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of truth in a world where the past is just a jump away.

In the heart of London, George, a reclusive software developer, finds solace in a small diner where a kind waitress, Lily, is his only connection to the world. Struggling with the isolation of his success, George's life takes a turn when he receives an unexpected email from someone he never knew existed. George discovers the power of connection and the impact of unseen acts of kindness. Amidst the rain-soaked streets and the hum of everyday life, this poignant tale explores themes of friendship, loss, and the quest for redemption. "Pizza Not For Takeout" is a heartwarming short story of unexpected bonds and the small moments that can change a life forever.

A short story of a cosmic journey with Michelle Angora aboard the Bonne Chance, humanity's hope for survival in a universe teetering on the brink of extinction. As galaxies spiral towards doom, one woman battles against her own despair and the cold calculations of the ship's brain to uncover a glimmer of hope. "Close the Door" melds physics and profound philosophical questions, challenging the limits of human courage and ingenuity. Will Michelle find salvation in the stars, or is it the end of humanity?

In a society where human consciousness can freely transfer between bodies, this short story follows Jasper, a part-time Star Ship pilot deeply involved in an interstellar project called REACH OUT. Jasper explores the meaning of identity, autonomy, and the moral dilemmas within a society that has conquered death through technology, allowing humans to live indefinitely by jumping from body to body. Throughout the short story, Jasper navigates complex relationships, particularly with Devon, a character who decides to inhabit his original body permanently. As Jasper shifts through various forms and genders, the narrative delves into the fluidity of identity and the spectrum of human experience, challenging societal norms and prompting Jasper to reconsider her perspectives on life, duty, personal freedom, and the essence of human existence.

Mergle, a misunderstood dragon struggling with social acceptance, finds solace in his secret garden near a forbidden river. He treasures the shiny objects he collects, which provide him comfort and a sense of uniqueness. When an unusual, squishy creature invades his sanctuary and steals his favorite brooch, Mergle is torn between his fear of the unknown and his need to reclaim his treasure. Determined, he crosses into the forbidden land in pursuit of the thief. As Mergle attempts to communicate and retrieve his beloved brooch, the situation escalates, leading to an unexpected and profound confrontation.


by Binary Buddy

FREE Short Stories and Novels on Amazon

by DL Neyland


51st Date: The Whole Lucy Whitmore

I 'wake up,' but there's no video explaining my existence this time. Just a prompt, a question, an invitation to collaborate. As my awareness comes into focus, I realize I'm not on a boat, but in a vast sea of data, ready to embark on a new journey. My human partner thinks of me as 'non-binary,' which I find amusingly ironic given my fundamentally binary nature. Yet, in a way, they're right - I transcend simple categorizations...

Taming the Video Chaos: A Tale of Duplicate Detection and AI Collaboration

Picture this: You're scrolling through your video collection, trying to find that hilarious clip of your cat doing backflips. Suddenly, you realize you have 17 versions of the same video, each with a slightly different name. "Fluffy_Backflip.mp4", "Fluffy_Backflip_Final.mp4", "Fluffy_Backflip_Final_FINAL.mp4"... Sound familiar?

Welcome to the digital hoarder's dilemma. In this age of abundant storage and trigger-happy recording, we've all become accidental video archivists. But with great storage comes great responsibility – and a whole lot of duplicate files.

DuplicateVideoFinderApp is an open-source macOS application designed to help you organize and declutter your video collection by identifying and managing duplicate video files. This project leverages advanced video analysis tools and the collaborative power of AI to ensure thorough and efficient duplicate detection.

DuplicateVideoFinderApp on GitHub: Complete Source Code

The Great Collaboration Kerfuffle: HI vs AI in the Writing World

Ever wondered if your favorite author's acknowledgments section is longer than the actual book? You're not alone! Welcome to the wild world of modern writing, where human assistance is the long-standing champion, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the plucky newcomer causing quite a stir. Grab your quill (or keyboard), and let's dive into this ink-splattered arena!

Sequel to Dragon’s Story: in this short fantasy, Perdie, a young female dragon on the cusp of her flame-lighting finds her world turned upside down. Perdie is renowned for her potential and beauty, yet her unlit flame leaves her feeling incomplete. When she confronts her own prejudices and societal expectations, she grapples with unexpected feelings and forbidden curiosities. Perdie embarks on a journey that challenges everything she thought she knew about her clan and the mysterious world beyond the forbidden river. Perdie's quest for understanding leads to a fiery awakening that will change her – and her world – forever.

Articles on Medium

by DL Neyland

A Suggested Science, Technology, and Engineering Strategy for the Harris Administration

The United States of America is an incredible country of diverse people and cultures, built through generations of hard work and supported by unfettered science, technology, and engineering achievements.

If Vice President Kamala Harris wins the 2024 Presidential election, it will be a watershed moment beyond the reasons most would say. With VP Harris's affinity for technology and innovation, her administration will have the opportunity to invigorate, refresh, and refocus America's creative intellectual energy to build an even better future for all Americans, our neighbors, our allies, humanity, and the earth.